
What is Neuroblastoma? Neuroblastoma is cancer originating from undeveloped nerve cells present in various regions of the body. Neuroblastoma often emerges around the adrenal glands atop the kidneys. However, it can also manifest in the abdomen, chest, neck, and areas near the spine, where nerve cell clusters exist. Neuroblastoma is most commonly diagnosed in children under the age of 5.


The symptoms of neuroblastoma vary widely and depend on the specific anatomical region affected. Symptoms may include: 

  • In the abdomen: Abdominal pain, non-tender mass under the skin, changes in bowel habits.
  • In the chest: Wheezing, chest pain, eye changes, including drooping eyelids and unequal pupil size.
  • Other signs: Lumps under the skin, protruding eyeballs, dark circles around eyes, back pain, fever, weight loss, bone pain

What Causes Neuroblastoma

Neuroblastoma is caused by genetic mutations that alter the behavior of a healthy cell causing it to multiply uncontrollably. It’s worth noting that in most cases of neuroblastoma, a definitive cause is never identified. Research continues in the field of genetics and oncology to better understand the underlying mechanisms that lead to neuroblastoma.
