Ganglion cyst

What are Ganglion Cysts? Ganglion cysts are noncancerous, fluid-filled lumps that commonly develop along tendons or joints, particularly in the wrist, hand, ankle, or foot. Their size can vary from as small as a pea to as large as a golf ball, and their texture can range from soft to firm. While some cysts are visible under the skin, others are so small that they remain undetected.

What Causes Them?

The etiology of ganglion cysts is still not fully understood; however, they often appear due to trauma, irritation, or overuse. These cysts may form when fluid accumulates in a joint or around tendons in areas such as the following:


  • Hand
  • Wrist
  • Ankle
  • Foot
  • Evidence suggests that ganglion cysts may be related to conditions like arthritis.

What are the Symptoms and Risks?

A ganglion cyst may be asymptomatic, making its most common sign a visible lump or mass. Symptoms, if they occur, can include pain or discomfort, especially when walking or wearing shoes. If situated near a nerve, the cyst may cause:


  • Loss of mobility
  • Numbness
  • Pain
  • Tingling sensation
  • They predominantly occur in individuals aged 15 to 40 and are more common in women. Risk factors include:
  • Repetitive wrist or finger activities
  • Injuries to the wrist or finger
  • Chronic conditions like arthritis

How Are They Treated?

Treatment is often unnecessary for ganglion cysts as they frequently resolve independently. Physicians generally recommend avoiding repetitive movements for asymptomatic cases and may suggest wearing a wrist brace. For painful or mobility-restricting cysts, treatment options include:


  • Aspiration to drain fluid from the cyst
  • Surgical removal for persistent cases
  • Even after surgical removal, recurrence of the cyst is possible.
