Chemical Peel

What is a Chemical Peel? A chemical peel is a cosmetic treatment that employs a chemical solution to induce controlled damage to the layers of your skin, facilitating the removal of the outermost surface. As the skin peels off, it unveils a more youthful layer underneath that typically presents fewer wrinkles and a brighter complexion. This process, also known as chemexfoliation or derma-peeling, aims to enhance the skin's overall appearance.

Clinical Applications


Chemical peels, commonly performed on the face, neck, or hands, are designed to improve skin texture and tone. They target concerns such as fine lines, specific types of acne, mild scarring, and uneven pigmentation, in addition to addressing sun damage and hormonal changes. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on individual skin conditions and treatment goals.


A mild, superficial peel offers subtle improvements with a relatively quick recovery time, while deep peels yield more dramatic results but necessitate a longer healing period. The duration of the procedure can range from 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the targeted outcomes. Skin may appear red and irritated immediately after the treatment. In the days or weeks that follow, the skin will start to peel and flake, revealing the new skin layer beneath. While the effects of mild peels may become visible within a few days, deep peels often require months to achieve the desired results.



Potential risks include alterations in skin coloration, and certain individuals may be more susceptible to scarring and pigmentation problems. Those with a history of herpes outbreaks should notify their dermatologists in order to effectively mitigate the risk of flare-ups. Strict adherence to a dermatologist’s guidance and prescriptions, both pre- and post-procedure, is essential for minimizing complications and attaining the anticipated results.
