Xerosis Cutis

What is Xerosis Cutis? Xerosis cutis is a dermatological condition characterized by abnormally dry skin. The term is derived from the Greek word "xero," meaning dry. While dry skin is a common issue, especially among older adults, xerosis cutis represents a more severe form of dryness that may lead to significant discomfort. The condition is notably exacerbated during cold, dry winter months and in areas of low humidity.

What are the Symptoms?

Patients with xerosis cutis typically present with:

  • Dry, itchy, and scaly skin, predominantly on the arms and legs
  • Skin that feels tight, particularly after showering or bathing
  • Flaky, white skin
  • Red or pink, irritated skin
  • Fine cracks on the skin surface

What Causes It?

Xerosis cutis is primarily linked to decreased surface oils on the skin. Environmental triggers are commonly implicated. Some notable causes include:

  • Over-cleansing or over-scrubbing the skin
  • Frequent bathing in excessively hot water
  • Living in cold, dry climates
  • Dehydration and inadequate water intake
  • Extended exposure to sunlight

What is the Treatment?

Management aims to alleviate symptoms and improve skin moisture. Treatment protocols often include:

  • Regular use of oil-based moisturizing creams containing lactic acid, urea, or both
  • Topical steroid medications like 1% hydrocortisone cream for intense itching
  • Lifestyle modifications, such as shorter, lukewarm showers and drinking ample water